Choreographer-turned-actor Raghav Juyal expressed his frustration over muddle being strewn round a waterfall in Dehradun. On Saturday, April 27, Raghav, who comes from Uttarakhand dropped a video on Instagram. Within the clip, the Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan superstar will also be noticed status in thigh-deep water and slamming the general public for littering across the vacationer spot. The video presentations him protecting a Pepsi bottle, which he discovered close to the autumn. Whilst addressing the locals, Raghav will also be heard announcing, “Ye sab yahan mila hai. Aapko agar swag se swagat karna hai na toh apne ghar mei kijiye. [I found all this here. If you want to welcome someone with swag, then do it at your own home].” FYI: Raghav was once regarding an outdated Pepsi tagline “Swag se swagat.”
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Raghav Juyal persevered through urging other people to forestall littering round such places. He stated, “Yahaan par akar swag se swagat mat kijiye. Yeh sab yahan milta hai, humein uthana padta hai. Aur locals kar rahe hain gandagi yeh humein pata laga hai upar. Please haath jodkar binti hai aaplogo se, gandagi mat kijiye. Yeh sab mat phenkiye wahan. Thanks. [Don’t welcome all with swag over here. We find all such litter over here and we have to pick it up on behalf of you. And we have got to know that locals are doing these things. Please I request you all stop littering waste here].”
Sharing the clip, Raghav Juyal wrote, “Damaged beer bottles, plastic bottles, we’d like air pollution police in Dehradun now it is sufficient.”
Check out Raghav Juyal’s video right here:
A number of customers and lovers praised Raghav Juyal within the feedback segment for elevating such a subject. A remark learn, “Satisfied to look any person in reality made this consciousness video.”
Every other learn, “Thanks Raghav. You’re a champ.”
A person stated, “We in reality want other people such as you in Doon, additionally I’ve a request to people who can do that please it is a request to stay water outdoor your place of abode for animals as a result of most commonly other people supply meals to canine however no longer water, for water they use grimy water, please feed animals. Do not hit them please.”
Every other stated, “How unhappy is that this and so disturbing? I’m so satisfied you might be speaking about it”
“I’ve had such a lot of arguments, other people wish to be informed and realise that it isn’t cool to hold this sort of behaviour,” commented an individual.
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Up to now the clip has been performed greater than 45 million instances. Have you ever ever come throughout such an incident?