Actor Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan tied the knot together with her long-time boyfriend Nupur Shikhare in January 2024. It used to be a grand, but intimate affair in Udaipur and we were given glimpses of it throughout social media. From a a laugh pajama birthday celebration to a serene white wedding ceremony, Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare’s wedding ceremony made the headlines for all of the proper causes. Just lately, Ira took to Instagram to proportion any other vital element of her Udaipur wedding ceremony and it used to be simply so heart-warming. Let’s take you via.
Additionally Learn: Within Ira Khan, Nupur Shikhare’s Wedding ceremony: A Glimpse Of The Pre-Wedding ceremony Menu
Desserts play a big position in wedding ceremony celebrations and Ira and Nupur too had one stunning white and minimalist three-tiered cake at their white wedding ceremony. The cake used to be easy, vintage with blue flower ornament on it. However have you learnt who makes the cake for them? It used to be none rather than her mom and Aamir Khan’s former spouse Reena Dutta. One of these heart-warming gesture, is not it?
Ira shared glimpses of her mom making the cake in a qualified kitchen, with the assistance of different members of the family. Along, she penned a heartfelt be aware that learn, “The OG workforce + Cherise. Nobody else can have baked our wedding ceremony cake. As Popeye used to be feeding me or after (can not bear in mind), I take a look at Mama and she or he’s mouthing at me, Is it dry?”.
This is the detailed put up for you:
Additionally Learn: Ira Khan, Nupur Shikhare’s Wedding ceremony Reception Had Nice Candies And “No Energy”
On January 10, Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare exchanged vows within the presence of each their households and shut buddies. The rite used to be attended by way of Aamir Khan, Reena Dutta, Junaid Khan, Kiran Rao, Azad Rao Khan, and Mithila Palkar amongst others.
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- that is what Somdatta likes to name herself. Be it with regards to meals, other people or puts, all she craves for is to grasp the unknown. A easy aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a excellent film could make her day.