Actor Kriti Kharbanda just lately married actor Pulkit Samrat in a dreamy wedding ceremony rite. After footage in their wedding ceremony went viral on social media, the actors were delighting lovers with glimpses in their post-marriage rituals. Following glimpses of a grand ‘griha pravesh‘ rite, the actress has now shared footage of every other post-wedding ritual, referred to as ‘pehli rasoi’. The ‘Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana’ actress took to her Instagram tales on Tuesday and shared an image of a delicious-looking bowl stuffed with halwa, crowned with almonds. The caption learn, “Meri pehli rasoi.” Have a look right here:
Subsequent, she posted a photograph of herself sitting with Pulkit Samrat’s grandmother. The textual content learn, “Licensed via dadi.”
A 3rd symbol confirmed the actress at paintings within the kitchen, garnishing the halwa with almond items.
Those candid moments be offering an enthralling perception into Kriti’s married lifestyles, a lot to the satisfaction of her lovers.
Additionally Learn: Newlywed Rakul Preet Singh Prepares Halwa For Chauka Chardhana Ritual
Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat were given married on March 15, 2024. For the marriage rite, the couple wore pastel outfits and smiled radiantly within the footage shared on their social media handles. See right here:
Has Kriti Kharbanda’s selfmade halwa impressed you to whip up one thing candy and comforting? Listed here are some simpler candy dish choices for you to check out at house:
1. Kheer
It is a creamy and fragrant rice pudding cooked with milk and sugar and flavoured with cardamom and nuts. This is a comforting and extravagant deal with. Take a look at the recipe right here.
2. Malpua
Those are fluffy, crispy, deep-fried pancakes constructed from flour, milk, and sugar, then dipped in sugar syrup and ceaselessly served with rabri. Take a look at the recipe right here.
Additionally Learn: Katrina Kaif Chefs Halwa, Hubby Vicky Kaushal Calls It ‘Absolute best Ever’
3. Mysore Pak
Mysore Pak is ready the usage of gram flour, sugar, and ghee. It has a melt-in-your-mouth texture and a definite flavour. Take a look at the recipe right here.
4. Shrikhand
Shrikhand is a creamy and clean yoghurt-based dessert flavoured with saffron, cardamom, and nuts. This is a in style candy dish in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Recipe right here.