Sara Ali Khan’s much-awaited thriller comedy ‘Homicide Mubarak’ has in the end premiered on Netflix this Friday. On Thursday, the makers hosted a star-studded screening in Mumbai, with who is who of Bollywood underneath one roof. Neatly, that indisputably requires a birthday party, and the actress did it by way of gorging on popcorn within the theatre. Sara has dropped a video on her Instagram Tales, appearing her hand-picking popcorn in a small disposable cup. When any individual in the back of the digital camera steered her to take a large cup, she may also be heard pronouncing, “Certain, I’m allowed. Guys, please do not intervene.” Whilst gorging at the popcorn, Sara says, “Measured celebrations.” When requested in regards to the flavours, Sara says, “Cheese and caramel. I did take the caramel. It’s combined see – caramel and cheese. Yeh hai asli cheese. [This is real cheese].” She shared the clip at the side of a ballot. Beneath the header “Netflix and sit back”, Sara requested her Instagram circle of relatives which one they’d make a selection, “cheese”, “caramel” or “sufficient Saraaa”. Have a look:
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We’ve got compiled a couple of easy-peasy popcorn recipes that you’ll revel in at house.
1. Cheese Popcorn
We all the time to find ourselves in a quandary of what to choose from vintage butter popcorn, cheese popcorn, and caramel popcorn. However each and every time we bask in cheese popcorn, it by no means fails to uplift our temper. Check out the recipe right here
2. Caramel Popcorn
For the entire candy tooths in the market, we convey you a deal with that can indisputably make your day. This crunchy pleasure is made the use of brown sugar syrup and corn syrup. This is your recipe.
3. Chocolate Popcorn
But any other drool-worthy deal with for the ones with a candy teeth. In case you are a chocolate lover, all you want is to dedicate 15 mins to make your tummy do the satisfied dance. Take a look at the recipe right here.
4. Tandoori Hen Popcorn
For the entire hen enthusiasts in the market, we convey you the easiest munching snack on your film nights at house: tandoori hen popcorn bursting with flavour. What are you looking ahead to? Cross do this recipe in an instant.
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5. Fish Popcorn
Who stated popcorn cannot be wholesome? Simply dedicate 25 mins within the kitchen, and you’ll relish this dietary powerhouse that can indisputably revive your style buds. Click on right here for the recipe.